A Word About Chicago-L.org News Briefs...
The management of Chicago-L.org is hereby providing advance notice that, with regret, the News Briefs section will cease updating as of June 1, 2004. This decision has been under consideration for some time and is simply the result of a reevaluation of the site's primary purpose. The chief function of Chicago-L.org has always been to provide a comprehensive site on the history and background of the Chicago "L". Of late, compilation of current news has become so work intensive that it has prevented nearly all other work on the site from proceeding, thereby disrupting the site's original intention. The current workload of the webmaster, as well as a desire to refocus the site back on its original course, simply does not allow for both functions.
That is not to say that the Chicago-L.org will not be kept up-to-date, of course! Relevant profiles and history pages will continue to be updated as events occur. In addition, we will continue to provide news headlines on the front page, but instead of reading the story on this site you will be linked to the original material at the source (newspaper, press release, etc.).
We have been proud to bring our readers the past five-and-a-half years of News Briefs, but the discontinuance of this function has already freed up time and resources to begin work on several projects for the site that have been stalled for as long as a few years. We believe that, in the long run, you will be happy with the site improvements and additions that will follow this decision.
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