Over time, this web site has grown by leaps and bounds. Mid-1998 has especially been a period in which the amount of information, photographs, maps and other artifacts on the site has exploded. So, as can be expected, I could not put all of this data together without some help. Though I do all of the html coding myself, many sources have contributed to the vast collection of information on the web site and they deserve to be credited for their assistance. Below are the various sources grouped by category. A thanks goes out to all how have contributed!
A special thanks to Tony Coppoletta for coming up with the initial design proposals for the site's current graphic design, as well as continuing to collaborate on the site's continued visual evolution.
For legal notices and information about submitting materials to Chicago-L.org, please visit our Legal Notices & Submissions page.
NOTE: Inclusion in this list does not necessarily denote active participation of the individuals or institutions listed.
Bach, Ira J. and Susan Wolfson, A Guide to Chicago's Train Stations, Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1986.
Campbell, George V., Days of the North Shore Line, Delavan, WI: National Bus Trader, Inc., 1985.
Campbell, George V., North Shore Line Memories, Northbrook, IL: Domus Books, 1980.
Condit, Carl W., Chicago: 1910-29, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1973.
Cudahy, Brian J. , Destination Loop, Brattleboro, VR: The Stephan Greene Press, 1982.
Krambles, George and Arthur Peterson, CTA at 45, Oak Park, IL: George Krambles Scholarship Fund, 1993.
Keevil, Walter R. and Norman Carlson (editors), Chicago's Rapid Transit Volume I: Rolling Stock/1892-1947 (CERA Bulletin 113), Chicago: Central Electric Railfans' Association, 1974.
Keevil, Walter R. and Norman Carlson (editors), Chicago's Rapid Transit Volume II: Rolling Stock/1947-1976 (CERA Bulletin 115), Chicago: Central Electric Railfans' Association, 1976.
Moffat, Bruce, The "L": The Development of Chicago's Rapid Transit System, 1888-1932 (CERA Bulletin 131), Chicago: Central Electric Railfans' Association, 1995.
Young, David M. Chicago Transit: An Illustrated History, DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998.
Newspapers, Periodicals and Pamphlets
Chicago Daily Herald, various issues
Chicago Subways, Chicago: Department of Subways and Superhighways, 1943
Chicago Sun-Times, various issues
Chicago Transit Authority Annual Report, various dates (specific references can be provided upon request)
Chicago Transit Authority Rail System Rule Book, issued March 17, 1985, CTA
CTA Transit News, various issues
Chicago Tribune, various issues
Chicago's New Subway and Elevated Railroad Connections, Chicago: Chicago Rapid Transit, 1943.
Evanston Review, various issues
First and Fastest, River Grove, IL: Shore Line Interurban Historical Society, various issues
Golden Anniversary Historical Highlights: 1947-1997, Chicago: Chicago Transit Authority, 1997.
"L" System Maps, various dates
Chicago's "L"/Subway System, Volume 1: Rolling Stock '94, All-the-6000s-You-Missed Productions ©1997
Chicago's "L"/Subway System: Loop "L" Centennialm 1897-1997, All-the-6000s-You-Missed Productions ©1997
Chicago's "L"/Subway System: Take a Ride on the Wild Side, All-the-6000s-You-Missed Productions ©1997
The North Shore Line, Sunday River Productions ©1997
Trolley: The Cars That Built Our Cities, Transit Gloria Mundi ©1991
Chicago Historical Society
Chicagoland Hobby
Evanston Historical Society
Northwestern University
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Individuals & Railfans
Jerry Appleman
Ernie Baudler
Roy Benedict
Norman Carlson
Peter Christy
Tony Coppoletta
Vince Dawson
Irwin Davis
James Budd Delacour
Kevin Forsyth
Sean Gash
Kent Haag
David Harrison
Carl Leon Kay
Andre Kristopans
John F. Kuczaj
Don Maccorquodale
Bruce Moffat
Alice Novak
Phil O'Keefe
Art Peterson
Victor Ramirez
Larry Ellis Reed
Michael Roegner
J.J. Sedelmaier
Ed Sitar
Joe Testagrose
Peter Vesic
Tony Vivacqua
Timothy Wittman
Eric Zabelny
...and, of course, me, Graham Garfield.