If you've not seen The Fugitive, you've
been living under a rock. But, for those of you who don't know it,
the story goes like this: Dr. Richard Kimble's (Harrison Ford) wife
is murdered by a one-armed man (Andreas Katsulus), but Kimble is
blamed for the crime and sent to jail. In a freak accident, he
manages to escape and while being pursued by Federal Marshal Gerard
(Tommy Lee Jones), he searches for his wife's killer and the
mastermind behond it.
A lot of the movie takes place in Chicago, so
there's one shots of, scenes on and discussion of the "L". Below are
a selection of QuickTime movie clips, sound files and pictures from
the film. Below that, there's a list of random facts about the movie.
(All clips and pictures are © 1993 Warner Brothers)
QuickTime Movies
- fight1.mov
(3.4MB): Kimble confronts the one-armed man on the "L"
- fight2.mov
(2.6MB): Kimble and the one-armed man duke it out
- fight3.mov
(5MB): Kimble handcuffs the one-armed man, then flees the
- balbo.wav
(129K): Conductor's announcement for (the non-existamt) Balbo
- cities.wav
(323K): The deputies discuss what cities have elevated
- elevated.wav
(452K): Gerard wants to know how the sound of an "L" differs from
the sound of a ground-level train
- merch_mart.wav
(645K): The deputies isolate that crucial piece of evidence: the
Merchandise Mart PA announcement
Kimble comes onto an "L" platform (larger)
Kimble boards a Kimball- Belmont "L" train (larger)
An aerial shot of the Harrison Street curve (larger)
Kimble reviewing some papers on the "L" (larger)
Facts about the movie
- All the trains that appear in the movie are
Morrison-Knudsen 3200-series
- In one scene, Kimble boards a Ravenswood train
on the Kimball-Belmont shuttle run, but there are two problems
with this. First, he boards it from a Loop "L" station (though I
can't identify which), and second, the next shot is of him going
around the Harrison Street curve. The Kimball-Belmont shuttle goes
neither of these places. (Maybe it was just an inside joke on his
- The train Kimble beats up the one-armed man on
is not displaying any destination signs.
- In perhaps the movie's most glaring error, the
movie mentions Balbo station a number of times. No such station
exits or has ever existed.
- In the same scene, Kimble pulls that cord with
the red ball on the end that's on every "L" train. For him, its an
emergency brake, which stops the train. In reality, they just open
the doors.
- Samuel Gerard's big clue that Kimble's back in
Chicago is that he can here the "L" announcement "Next stop:
Mart" in the background of the payphone
call Kimble makes to his lawyer. The problem is, those PA
announcements are made inside the trains and could not be
heard at a payphone outside the stations. (Sometimes you can't
even hear them inside the train!)