Published by: Traction and Subway Commission
Publishing date: 1915
In 1915, a special commission was appointed to study and propose long range plans for the integration of transit systems in Chicago, the needs for new subway or elevated construction, and ultimate public ownership. The Chicago Area Transportation Study's first regional Chicago transportation plan, published in 1962, described the 1915 plan this way:
In 1915 a special commission was appointed to study and propose long range plans for the integration of transit systems in Chicago, the needs for new subway or elevated construction, and ultimate public ownership. In contrast to the Burnham plan, this covers a more extended portion of Chicago -- obviously directing attention towards the spreading population of over two million people.
The growth of Chicago and of travel needs over the transit systems were the dominant requirements which the plan sought to serve. The motor car was not even mentioned in this report, although some 35,000 passenger carrying motor vehicles were registered in the city in 1915. The main concern of the commission was to find a way to develop a unified system -- to consolidate ownership; to protect the public interest; to expand service.

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