Lombard Avenue and 21st
Street, Town of Cicero
Service Notes:
Douglas Line
Quick Facts:
Address: TBD
Established: August 1, 1915
Original Line: Metropolitan West Side Elevated, Douglas Park branch
Previous Names: 62nd Avenue
Rebuilt: n/a
Skip-Stop Type:
Status: Demolished
The 62nd Avenue station -- later renamed Lombard -- was one of the terminal of a short extension of the Douglas Park branch from 56th Avenue in 1915, one of several piecemeal extensions of the branch westward as the surrounding territory developed. Lombard became a through-station when the Douglas Park branch was further extended to Oak Park Avenue in 1924.
Lombard station was likely similar to other at-grade stations on the Douglas Park branch, with a small wood frame clapboard peaked-roof station house situated between the tracks facing the street with a back entrance onto a short island platform.
As part of the plan to economize, streamline and speed up service on the Douglas branch, the CTA proposed in mid-1951 to institute A/B skip-stop service and close 20 stations, including abandonment of service west of Cicero Avenue. The CTA modified their plan to retain a few of the stations proposed for closure and moved the proposed western terminal to 54th Avenue, planning to institute the service changes on December 9, 1951. However, the suburbs of Cicero and Berwyn obtained a court injunction to stop the CTA from abandoning service west of 54th in Cicero and Berwyn. The other service changes went ahead on December 9, 1951, but "L" service continued into Berwyn while the issue went to the courts. However, by early 1952 the issue was resolved in the CTA's favor. On February 3, 1952, Douglas service west of 54th Avenue was abandoned, including the closure of Lombard station, substituted with bus extension service.
Today, the old Douglas at-grade right-of-way is a parking lot.
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