cta2625-OrangeLineDestDecal.jpg (199k)
cta2625-OrangeLineDestDecalDetail.jpg (181k)
In September 2018, 100 3200-series cars were moved from the Orange Line to the Blue Line, and a similar number of 2600-series cars were moved from Blue to Orange. The 3200s had all recently gone through mid-life overhaul, in which they received LED destination signs, so their new readings were already programmed and available. However, there were not enough destination sign roller curtains in stock that contained the Orange Line readings -- there are three to four different roller curtains, and not all curtains have all readings; the ones with the Blue Line signs do not include the Orange Line readings -- and CTA could not procure them fast enough from the manufacturer to have enough for all of the transferred 2600s in time for the change. So, as a stopgap, cars without the proper curtains received Orange Line destination sign decals on the glass over the roller curtains until the proper curtain could be received and installed. Because "L" destination signs are currently direction-specific, displaying the terminal name, but the decals are fixed, both terminals were included on the decals, reminiscent of the pre-1996 terminal destination signs. Orange Line car 2625 displays one of the temporary decals at Midway on September 18, 2018. (Photos by Matthew Pahuski) |